FALL thROWdown Update

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Dear Rowers,

We have some exciting updates to our big Fall thROWdown and couldn’t wait to tell you!

Bring a Friend, Earn a FREE Class!

One of our motivations for hosting this awesome event is to show off the studio you know and love to some new faces. So we encourage you to bring friends to this event - yes, even if they’ve never rowed before. Help us spread the SCULLHOUSE love by inviting your crew!

  • For each friend you bring, you’ll earn a free class!
  • If that friend signs up for any package of classes, you’ll earn a SECOND free class!

Team Spirit: 

  • We have space in each time slot for just six teams of three people! Make sure you grab yours soon! 
  • Don’t have a team of three? That’s okay! We’ll hook you up with singles or doubles so you or you and your friend can still participate! Team members can be of varying levels of experience since you’ll each be on your own erg!

Class Times: 

  • Classes are 9:30am and 10:35 am
  • Registration is LIVE now at scullhouse.com!
  • Be sure to send us a list of your teammates at inquiries@scullhouse.com or let us know to hook you up with a group
  • We also have a sign-up sheet at the studio!

Sponsors and Prizes: 

  • Flow Water will keep us hydrated
  • Impact Kitchen will keep us fed
  • We can’t reveal ALL the prizes, but we can tell you that we have awesome grand prizes from RYU (Respect Your Universe).  RYU is a Vancouver based men and women's clothing company opening in Toronto on Saturday! To find out more, you’ll have to come to the event!

After the Party it’s the After Party:

  • The party doesn’t stop after the final stretch! Join us for an afterparty nearby to celebrate hitting PRs or just having a blast with friends! 
  • Details coming soon!


So what are you waiting for?? Join us for SCULLHOUSE’s first ever thROWdown!

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