June News


June News
 Additional Class Times and Marathon Row

New Schedule - Additional Class Times

Crew - you asked and we've answered.  You wanted lunch express classes every day.  Starting tomorrow, catch us (get it? ;) ) at noon on Tuesday for Express Row with Kristin!

While we can't imagine not wanting to get up at the crack of dawn to row with us, we know some of you might like to sleep in a little.  We're also offering a 9:30 am class on Tuesday with Sandra.  This class is Foundations so expect lots of technical focuses, lower rates and power builds.  Sandra's speciality!

Not a 9 to 5 er?  Still crossing your fingers patio weather will finally arrive?  With our 4:30 pm Express  class with Lev on Thursday, you'll have to time get your row in AND make it home or to the patio in time to enjoy the summer evenings (or maybe just deeply inhale that nice brisk refreshing air before heading inside).

We even have a 1 pm class on Saturday with Heather for those of you night owls who may not be in bed by 9 pm on a Friday (like we all know Kristin is!).  

If there are class times you'd like to see and don't, please do let us know.  We're always trying to accommodate as many schedules as we can.  Feel free to reply to this email or tell us when you're next in the studio.

Marathon Row - June 23rd 

Did you know that some of your crew here at SCULLHOUSE are rowing a 1/2 or full MARATHON on June 23rd?  Both the 1/2 and full will begin at noon.  Feel free to stop by and cheer them on!  We know they'll appreciate it - especially in that third hour.  Yikes!!

If you're one of the brave souls rowing with us that day, be sure to sign up online - "Marathon Row".  Registration is $50 and we'll have snacks and drinks available afterwards.

Happy Rowing Crew!


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