SCULLHOUSE enters 2020!

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Rowing into 2020!

Hey Crew,  

We hope that 2020 is off to a great start for you!!  We are so excited to see so many of you taking your rowing up a notch this year.  Way to go!! 


As we all know, consistency is key to seeing changes; whether those changes are increased energy, better posture, less back pain when you sit, stronger core strength, or just generally feeling confident in your body, rowing can help you achieve these goals! 


We want to do what we can to assist you in maintaining this consistent effort.  It is with this goal, and the goal of being fair to other crew members who are excited about getting in for a class, that we are announcing a change to our cancellation policy.  Our current policy allows you to cancel up to 3 hours in advance of class starting with no penalty.  Beginning on FEBRUARY 1, our cancellation window will become 12 hours.  Now, you may be thinking...

You:  WHAT?  12 hours?
Us:  Yes!  12 hours.  This is actually going to assist you in sticking with your health and fitness goals.  
You:  Explain.
Us:  Well, we get it, sometimes the bed is just so comfy and cozy, it's SOOOO hard to get up.  You wake up at 3 am and think, I don't want to get up in 3 hours, I'm going to cancel that class.  Now, you'll have to make that decision before you go to bed.  When you're still feeling pretty excited about the post workout high and importantly, less cozy in bed.
You:  Ok, I get it.  That may actually be helpful.  I really do want to stick to my goals this year.
Us:  Exactly!  Go team!

The fine print.  Not actually so fine...we want you to read this!
You must cancel a class prior to 12 hours in advance in order to have that class credited back to your account.  If you do not cancel at least 12 hours in advance, you will lose that class.  Horrible, right?  Exactly, this will help you stay consistent!

For those of you with an unlimited monthly package, you may think that this change will not assist you with your accountability as you have unlimited classes, so losing a class is no big deal for you.  Well, we've thought about that too.  If you do not show up to class and you did not cancel out prior to 12 hours before class beginning, you will be changed a "no show" fee of $15.  Ouch!  Don't want that to happen, do you?

As always, if there is an emergency or some completely unforeseen disaster that keeps you from class, please do call or email us and we can discuss.  Please note:  "I forgot", "I was tired", "my alarm didn't go off", "my bed was so warm", and so on... are NOT emergencies or unforeseen disasters.  

Now that the change to the cancellation policy is out of the way, we also want to remind you about our App.

We were shocked and appalled to hear that some of you still don't know about our very own SCULLHOUSE app.  Yes, that's right, we have an app!  We're not talking about the WellnessLiving app that you may currently be using, we're talking about our very own SCULLHOUSE app.  You can find this on the app store on your phone or tablet.  It is free to download and will make signing up for classes that much easier!  Exciting?  We thought so!
Have you heard about the epic adventure that is taking place at SCULLHOUSE on February 29th?  Two of our coaches, myself (Kristin) and Sandra will be rowing with two of our crew members, Colleen and Charlotte, for 24 HOURS.  This is not a relay.  We will each be rowing as many kilometers as we can within a 24 hour period.  Some of us may even be attempting to set the world record for our respective age categories for the event. 

You may be wondering why.  Our thoughts too sometimes - WHY???  Oh right, because we love a challenge, because we want to inspire you to crush your 2020 goals (no matter how scary or daunting they may seem), and because we are raising money for two amazing charities.  We are hoping that through this epic challenge we can raise money to support Red Door Shelter, and the Nature Conservancy of Canada.  We are in the process of setting up a webpage that will allow you to donate directly to the charity of your choice and support us on this wild ride.  
Track your kilometers for the month of February.  You can do this through the erg data app.  Another free app that you can download.  This app will keep track of the kilometers you row (as long as you remember to sync your phone with your rowing machine before class)! If your total kilometers for the month is greater than the number of kilometers I (Kristin), row in the 24 hour period, we'll give you a free Under Armour Hoodie and three free class passes to give away to friends.  Now that's some incentive to pull hard in class!  Note:  In order for the kilometers to be eligible for the challenge, they must be rowed at SCULLHOUSE.  Kilometers rowed during the warm up definitely count!

In closing, stay consistent, commit to class, download the SCULLHOUSE app, and use the 24 hour challenge as a little extra motivation to get to the studio and row lots during the month of February!!

Let's have an awesome 2020 together!

See you soon,
The SCULLHOUSE Coaches and front desk team

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